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what is green concrete

In today’s world, global warming caused by excess Carbon dioxide emissions is a very concerning problem. The construction industry is one of the biggest contributors to this problem. Green concrete is a new material which can reduce this contribution and help in creating a more sustainable future. Read on to learn what green concrete is, its types and properties.

What is Green Concrete?

Green concrete is a type of concrete that is ‘green’ or sustainable for the environment. It is manufactured (instead of using raw cement) with materials such as recycled waste from industries; this reduces the demand for new cement, hence reducing its impact on the planet. Regular concrete, while in production, produces a great quantity of CO2, which does much harm to the ecosystem of the planet. Green concrete reduces this pollution by using materials that require less energy to manufacture and that produce less CO2.

Otherwise stated, green concrete is an environmentally friendly option that helps protect the environment and is strong and sturdy like ordinary concrete.

Types of Green Concrete

Green concrete has several types. Each variety makes use of a special mix to make its type better for the planet. Let’s look into some of the common types:

Magnesium Oxychloride Cement

Magnesium oxychloride cement is produced from magnesium and other oxygen-based compounds. In contrast to Portland cement production, this type of cement yields lower CO2 emissions, thus it is environmentally friendly. During its production process, this cement does not need extremely high temperatures, and hence energy can be conserved. The major applications of this cement involve the construction of floors, walls and other similar strctural elements.

It works well against fire and mould, making it highly resistant and durable.


Ferro-concrete, better known as ferrocement, is a method of building with cement, sand, and water, adding importantly a mesh of steel wires. Since the mesh of steel wires strengthens in itself, much less cement is needed. This reduces the amount of cement, making it more environmentally friendly.

Ferrocrete is used in boat construction and also for water tanks; and is even sometimes used in the construction of houses. It has a lot of durability, can last for a long period, and its moulding is pretty easy.

Cement Geopolymer

Instead of using ordinary cement, this type makes use of wastes from various industries, like fly ash from coal plants and slag from steel plants. These wastes are combined with chemicals to form Portland-like cement.

Geopolymer cement is a fantastic environmental alternative, as it produces much lower levels of CO2 compared to conventional cement-up to 80% less. The applications range from road and bridge construction to even home and office construction.

Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement

Another type of green concrete is CSA cement, which employs minerals like calcium sulphate that contribute to reducing CO2 during its manufacturing process. This type of cement sets very fast and is very strong; therefore, it is ideal for projects that need to be completed very quickly.

CSA cement also resists bad weather conditions; therefore, it has often been used in bridge building, airports, and sea structures.

Application of green concrete

It finds its application in several construction projects. Green concrete has become an alternative in recent times for people who want to build greener structures, and its usage is gaining interest. Some of the common places where green concrete is applied are as follows:

  • Dwellings: Green concrete can be used in the building of homes that are stronger and energy-efficient.
  • Offices and Shopping Malls: It is also used in large building structures to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Highways: Green concrete makes highways last longer and requires minimal maintenance.
  • Dams and Bridges: Green concrete is so strong that it is suitable for major structures like bridges and dams.

Green Concrete vs. Standard Concrete

Green concrete varies in many ways from standard concrete, such as:

  • Materials: Standard concrete is made with regular cement, which is manufactured by heating limestone. A great deal of CO2 is generated in the process. Green concrete is made using recycled materials such as fly ash and slag; these produce less CO2.
  • Environmental impact: Standard concrete is harmful to the environment since it emits a lot of CO2. Green concrete is a better alternative to standard concrete as it cuts down carbon emissions and hence is friendlier to the environment.
  • Performance: Most green concrete match, and sometimes outperform regular concrete in strength and durability.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Concrete

Like with any material, green concrete has its downsides and good sides.


  1. Eco-friendly: Green concrete produces less carbon dioxide and utilises recycled waste materials, hence being more environmentally friendly.
  2. Recycled Materials: Utilises waste products from various industries, including fly ash and slag, that reduce waste discarded in landfills.
  3. Energy Saving: It takes less energy to produce green concrete than it does to make regular concrete.
  4. Performance/Resistance: It has high strength and longevity, just like normal concrete.


  1. Expense: Green concrete tends to be pricier because it may require special materials.
  2. Material Availability is Limited: The geographical unavailability of the material required for green concrete in all parts of the world makes the accessibility of green concrete difficult in certain areas.
  3. Inadequate Knowledge: Since green concrete is fairly new, not all construction firms are yet knowledgeable about the most optimal ways to use it effectively.

Properties of Green Concrete

Green concrete is not only environmentally friendly, but it also possesses several useful properties that are good for construction projects.

Higher Durability

Green concrete is very durable, meaning that it has the potential to last longer without repairs. This is because such materials incorporated into green concrete make the concrete stronger and, hence less likely to crack after some time. This is an important consideration for buildings and roads that may be in areas with more extreme weather.

Improved Workability

Workability is defined as the ease with which concrete is mixed and can be used in construction. Green concrete is usually very workable, easy to shape, and can be poured into forms. This makes it a good choice for all kinds of construction, ranging from homes to large buildings.

Reduced Heat of Hydration

The hardening of concrete is known as hydration. During the hardening process, concrete emits heat. Green concrete tends to emit less heat during the hydration process, which reduces cracking. This makes green concrete more stable and long-lasting.

Reduced Permeability

The term permeability is used to define the ease with which water and other liquids are allowed to pass through concrete. The permeability of green concrete is reduced; thus, it will absorb less water. Therefore, such applications in buildings or roads will help prevent water damage in rainy areas.


Green concrete is one of the exciting developments happening in the construction world. This variety is more eco-friendly than its conventional counterpart as recycled materials are used and much less CO2 is emitted during its setting. While it can be more expensive and harder to find, the benefits of green concrete include strength, durability, and environmental impact; for that matter, it’s a great choice for the future of the construction industry.