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Seasoning of Timber

Wood, as a significant natural resource, finds unrivalled versatility in its use in construction. From decking your homes to fencing and woodworking, there’s little that timber can’t do. Timber or wood is one of the oldest and low-tech building materials, and architects around the world rely on it as their preferred building material. Compared to other building materials, you can make sustainable, affordable and environmentally friendly buildings with timber.

If you are regularly working with wood, you must have heard about timber seasoning. Seasoning of timber involves following a systematic way of reducing the moisture content from the wood and making it ready for future use. The process improves the wood’s durability, strength and quality. Proper seasoning of timber before using it in your projects makes it stronger and more resistant to environmental damage. Since seasoning timber makes the surface smoother for finishing, you will find it easier to work with. Whether you want to paint, varnish or polish it, you can expand the lifespan of your timber by seasoning it.

This blog focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding of the importance of timber seasoning along with the various types and processes involved. Whether you are in woodworking, construction or just curious to know the science behind boosting the durability of timber, this guide is for you. It will help you understand the different timber seasoning processes and how they influence the quality of wood used in various projects.

Timber Seasoning: What Is It?

Freshly cut timber contains high amounts of water, which might decay, shrink or wrap if it does not receive proper treatment. Seasoning the wood reduces these risks, making the wood stable and less prone to fungi and pests. Besides, if you are using timber in your carpentry or construction, seasoned wood or timber is the perfect choice.

Seasoning involves the process of drying timber to remove the moisture present in the wood cells. While you can season your timber in numerous ways, the aim is to remove the water content at a uniform rate from the wood piece. It ensures that your wood remains undamaged during drying and does not experience degradation.

With seasoned timber, you get superior dimensional stability. Besides, when using seasoned timber in your carpentry or construction projects, you will experience less warping and splitting. Moreover, in higher-grade timbers like hardwoods, seasoning enhances their properties and characteristics and boosts stiffness, compression and bending strengths.

Importance of Seasoning Timber

Reduced Chance of Fungi and Pests

Freshly cut timber or green wood contains high amounts of moisture, which is why they might start decaying and develop fungi. Drying or seasoning the wood reduces its moisture content by at least 20%, making it last longer. Besides, seasoned wood is less susceptible to rotting.

Boosts Strength

Timber fibres absorb moisture in the cell walls, softening the wood and making it an ideal breeding ground for fungi. Timber seasoning allows your wood to have a stronger composition as the process dries out water from the timber. Since your timber meets the right moisture content ratio, it becomes stronger and less susceptible to shrinkage.

Helps Maintain its Shape and Size

Undried timber is susceptible to shrinkage and warping because the moisture affects the internal structure of the wood, making it softer. While most professionals prefer timber for woodworking projects, highly malleable timber isn’t ideal for building, decking, fencing or for structural framing. Seasoning improves timber’s strength and stiffness, reducing its chance to break, snap and warp.

Types of Seasoning Timber

Seasoning of timber occurs in two methods. These include:

  • Natural seasoning
  • Artificial seasoning

Natural Seasoning of Timber

In this method of seasoning, your timber undergoes seasoning in the presence of natural elements, including air, sunlight and water. The two most common processes in natural seasoning of timber are:

  • Air seasoning
  • Water seasoning 

Let’s explore each of them in detail.

Air Seasoning 

This method of seasoning timber involves a natural approach wherein the experts leave the wood to dry on racks outside. It’s a two-step process where, first, you must build a platform at a height of 300 metres above the ground. Next, you need to arrange the wood in layers. Ensure to maintain air circulation between the logs, as it helps reduce moisture, which is essential in seasoning. However, this method requires maintaining some environmental conditions. You require a clean, shady, dry and cool place for timber air seasoning.

Although a slower method, it is one of the best options for timber containing gum veins, as the veins often harden under heat pressure. If such timber undergoes kiln seasoning, it might lose its original colours. Sometimes, experts coat the logs with an impermeable substance to reduce extreme moisture. If you want to improve the quality of oil coating, you must maintain a thick paint coating. To prevent fungal infection, you can treat the timber with gasoline or petrol.

Water Seasoning

Water seasoning involves immersing timber partially in water. The controlled soaking helps reduce drying stresses, preventing cracks during the subsequent drying phase. Generally, you must immerse the freshly cut wood containing sap in water, which helps in washing off the sap. The logs get filled with water, which is then sent for air seasoning. If you want to maintain the natural colour of the wood, water seasoning of wood is the best option.

Natural timber seasoning is cost-effective, environmentally friendly and ideal for large-scale timber batches. The process allows the assimilation of wood to environmental conditions. However, natural seasoning is time-consuming, as it relies on natural elements. Often, you might require extending the seasoning duration, especially during unpredictable weather.

Artificial Seasoning

Although natural seasoning is eco-friendly and cost-effective, most sectors are opting for artificial seasoning of timber because it takes lesser time. In this method, you can season timber within a week. The different ways of artificial seasoning are:

  • Kiln seasoning
  • Seasoning by boiling
  • Chemical seasoning 
  • Electrical seasoning

Let’s explore each of these processes in detail.

Kiln Seasoning 

It is one of the most common ways to dry wood using a special machine called a kiln to extract moisture. In the process, you must expose the timber to hot air in an air-tight chamber. The heating coils inside the chamber raise the temperature, creating hot air that circulates between the timber logs, reducing the moisture content. When you obtain the required temperature, there is a reduction in relative humidity, and the timber gets seasoned.

This type of seasoning works well as it dries out the timber evenly. Different types of wood have different humidity levels and require different temperatures and times for seasoning. If you require seasoning different types of wood, kiln seasoning is the best choice as you get the option to choose a certain temperature, humidity and time instead of a one-size-fits-all option. Although kiln seasoning of timber is faster compared to air drying, it has more negative implications for the environment.

Seasoning by Boiling

In this procedure, you require boiling the timber in water for three to four hours and then keep them for drying. Often, you need large quantities of timber to be seasoned. In such a scenario, boiling the timber becomes difficult. The best way is to keep the timber logs in an enclosed room and pass hot steam through them. The boiling or steaming process helps the timber logs to develop strength and elasticity, offering good results.

Chemical Seasoning

Chemical seasoning refers to subjecting wood to chemicals such as salt solutions to accelerate the drying procedure. Besides lowering moisture, the chemical acts as a protecting guard, preventing the wood from potential hazards like pests and rots. However, you need to meticulously handle the process, as it’s essential to stop any negative impacts on the wood’s natural properties. If time efficiency and elevated protection are your paramount considerations, chemical seasoning of timber is an ideal choice in various construction and industrial settings. 

Electrical Seasoning

In the electrical seasoning of timber, experts expose the wood logs to high-frequency alternating currents and continuously measure the resistance of the timber against electricity at every interval. When the timber achieves the required resistance for seasoning, the process ends- with the reduction of moisture content, there is an increase in the resistance of timber. The process establishes a delicate balance between speed and precision, making it particularly valuable in certain industrial contexts where the quality and characteristics of the seasoned wood are crucial.

Seasoning of timber is the reason why wooden building elements and furniture look sturdy and reliable. From lowering the moisture content to improving the wood’s durability and stability, the procedure converts wood into a strong material. Whether you need to use the timber in your construction or need to boost its resistance, seasoning plays a strong role.

As a one-stop solution for all your housing requirements, Brick & Bolt understands the significance of well-seasoned timber. One can witness their dedication towards the best quality reflected in every project and experience the effect of appropriate seasoning on the longevity and dependability of timber. The importance we give to well-seasoned wood for our projects ensures that each of our projects, irrespective of its size, stands the test of time, symbolizing durability and timeless beauty. Contact Brick & Bolt today to assure the best quality of seasoned wood for the construction of your dream project!